- The Sea Wolf - Jack London : This book is in the top 5 just because the age and enviroment of my consumption
- Churchill Walking with Destiny - Andrew Roberts: This is just an amazing biography about a man who had no other place in this world. Without WW2 and Nazi Germany we might not even remember him....or attribute every quote to him
- The Trial of Henry Kissinger - Christopher Hitchens: This was pretty spicey, while I'm not the biggest Christopher Hitchens fan I still respect his work, I can't bring myself to completely write off Kissinger though...
- Einstein's Mistakes - Hans C. Ohanian: This is something to make either you feel better about your short comings or to bring Einstein down from his thrown into the mud with us mortals
- The Fabric of Reality - David Deutsch : This book is hard to read haha. It's a lot but it brings a deeper perspective of reality
- Tesla: A Wizard at War - Marc J. seifer : Not as dire as it sounds but an interesting look into one of the greatest minds in history
- Red Rising - Pierce Brown : Amazing sci-fi terraforming thriller, there are about 6 books at this point and it rivals the greats
- Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling : It's Harry Potter, this series got me reading when I was younger, a sense of wonder.
- The Creative Act... Rick Rubin : It took a while to find the lesson in this book. I am a muscician and I sketch but this book helped me realize I am sometimes in that mental space when doing technical work and it allowed me to save it for my hobbies rather than distracting myself
- Make Something Wonderful - Steve Jobs : This is a collection of Steve's words and it just inspires you to do more than you believe you're capable of. Which isn't completely true, no one ever knows their limitations, not even Mr. Jobs
- Read Write Own - Chris Dixon : This is an amazing historical record of the internet and how it operated. It also dives into the future of the internet and possiblities for Web3.
- Tools of Titans - Timothy Ferriss : Tim Ferriss is one of those people that lures me in on anything he writes, because it's done so well. In this book it's an eye opening peek at the habits and mindsets of the most successful people
- Atomic Habits - James Clear : Even if you're not trying to improve your habits this book, at least, can help you stop negative habits from forming in the first place
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things - Ben Horrowitz : This starts as a memoir, showing the badges of honor from the "battlefield" of business. Then goes into a great view of management and business from a real empathic viewpoint. He takes great care in considering the workplace he creates for his employees.
- Tribe of Mentors - Timothy Ferriss : This will be the last one I reccommend for Tim Ferriss. Just assume I reccommend them all. Great advice and something you can leave on the coffee table for a pick me up
- Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman : This book dives into the differences of our thinking mind. Largely between the quick generative thoughts and the long pondering sessions.
- adding more this weekend...wish there was a better way to track physical books read...